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Here is the first follow up to the Soundtracks of Life Episode I did. It includes a clip from the Daily Source Code as well as some Disney Park music. What I play with is how the innocent music of Disney does much more than infect your brain, like “Its a Small World” getting stuck in your head. The Disney Imagineers are masters of the postmodern experience, blending the senses into a memory that is relived over and over again. The church could learn from Disney, in that there are more people ready to make a pilgrimage to Walt Disney World than the places that call people to a spiritual journey today.

The Disney clips come from my own collection of Disney Park music but if you want to hear it for yourself, I recommend Sorcerer Radio and the Sorcerer Radio Podcast. Sorcerer Radio is a stream on Live365(one of my favorite streaming sites) and also as a podcast and its nothing but music from Walt Disney World, straight from a guy in Orlando. Cool site for anyone into Disney. Let him know you found him here.

Download the podcast here.

5 Responses to “Wired Jesus Podcast #21 – The Soundtracks of Life – The Disney Experience”

  1. dave says:

    This is a seriously amazing podcast! I totally dig what you are doing with your show. This show was very powerful and really got me thinking. Keep on rockin!

  2. dave says:

    This is a seriously amazing podcast! I totally dig what you are doing with your show. This show was very powerful and really got me thinking. Keep on rockin!

  3. […] dtrack
    Filed under:Daily, God, signal vs. noise, done that — halo @ 11:30 am

    Tom socks one out of the bloody park again… Here’s mine, or at least a partial one. The list of the […]

  4. Tom Lyberg says:

    Just a test here. Had a report the comments function was broken.

  5. I could related to your story about Disney (although growing up in California it was Disneyland for me and not Disneyworld). In fact my next travel podcast episode is about Disneyland.
    I was surprised that it sounded like your church was still using only traditional music. Our church, also Lutheran, added a contemporary music service almost two decades ago. Since that time the traditional service has shrunk and the contemporary service has doubled or tripled in size. Now there are many Christian songs that are part of my soundtrack, but I am not sure any of them can be played on the organ.