Living near a church in Toledo that dropped 30,000 eggs this weekend, I really like this article as a response. Eugene’s ending is the best part for me.
If you’re going to a church that’s giving away prizes, gadgets, iPads, and such…more power to you. I hope many visitors and guests come and many return and are drawn to relationships and community. I sincerely mean this.
But if you’re not going to a church and you’re asking me for advice about what kind of church you should go to, it’s possible that churches giving away prizes are incredibly deep, missional, and substantive. This isn’t a criticism against them but if you’re looking for a church:
Go to a church that believes in Christ Crucified and Christ risen – every single day. Every single week. This is what they believe, teach, and live out. This is the good news they share to welcome people, encourage people, disciple people and release people.
That’s the gospel worth living for.