Feed on

Here is the podcast that reflects primarily on the recent death of a teenager in my community and how Christians sometimes are completely unable to deal with tragedy. In light of the the emails I received, I decided to take a new turn in the podcast – a little more reflective than observational, more use of ambient music and other clips. Tragedy and death are universal but it is just aggravating that in important times in life and in the spiritual journey, not only are there those who refuse to converse in postmodern language, they refuse to admit that anything has changed since the 19th Century.

Let me know what you think about this one.

Download the podcast here.


Coverville – If you like creative takes on music, this is the place to be. Brian Ibbott hosts one of the very first podcasts ever done and it still is one of the best.

Take On Me by ADD Music – Love this cover. Haunting and simple. Not a whole lot of info on ADD on the web page but a lot of good podsafe music.

Mad World by Gary Jules and Michael Andrews from the Donnie Darko Soundtrack

Background Music:

This One or That One? by The Six Parts Seven

4 Responses to “Wired Jesus Podcast #18 – Teens, Tragedy, and God”

  1. Chris2x says:

    I was sorry to hear that your community has had to make sense of the death of teenagers. We have also felt that lose. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. I can only pray that Jesus sends that peace that passes understanding.

  2. Tom… though I’ve never experienced the death of teens as of yet in my ministry, sudden death of parishonors still evokes questions of why. I was recently at the funneral of a formmer member. You may remember him. He came with me to a TL gathering in NC. Though he was 70 he died suddenly of a brain hemorage. I did not do the funneral, but I was taken back by the fact that the all the pastor talked about was all of the good and flowery things this man had done in his life. When the pastor mentioned that he was a fogiving man, I about came out of my seat. This was not my experience with him, nor was it the experience this man had with his children (I had first hand experience of this).

    Needless to say, there was no need for God’s grace being demonstrated. No need for hope. It seemed it was already at hand, except for me and perhaps at least a couple of others.

    None of us are perfect, yet at times like these pastors, people, and others want perfection and answers. Where is the sense of mystery! It seems like the modern world can’t deal with mystery, so they make things appear to be perfect.

    Thanks for talking about this.

    Sunrise Lutheran

  3. Hey Tom

    Just thought I’d introduce myself as a regular subscriber and fellow Minister (Uniting Church in Australia). I enjoy your podcast as a good example of pomo Christianity and I’ve given it a mention on my blog. I was ever so grateful for the link to the Dave Slusher podcast about “Why I’m not a Christian” and am considering playing the whole thing at a Church Council retreat I’m leading in a month. Keep up the good work!

  4. […] ear that stuff. A podcast I listen to quite often reflected on this very topic recently – Wired Jesus.com

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