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death town

Armageddon Entrepreneurs: Who’s Profiting From Fear? – CNBC.

This pretty much says it all:

This latest wave of turmoil is prompting some pastors, like John Hagee of San Antonio, Texas, to use their websites to promote their ideas, along with links to materials for purchase.

Hagee is a popular televangelist and senior pastor of the 19,000 member Cornerstone Church. His website offers a DVD called “Financial Armageddon” for $12 and is signing up registrations for a prophesy seminar in Sacramento in April for $10.

Here’s a highlight from his most recent online newsletter, in which he analyses the uprising in Egypt. “Get ready! Planet earth is about to become the playground for the Anti-Christ and his New World Order. The church will be raptured before the Anti-Christ appears; and I believe he could be introduced in Europe at any time. Pray up! Pack up! ”

Add to them the survival food and bomb shelter people and its the year 200 all over again.

Oh, because of the Japanese nuclear plants, there is a run on iodine tablets here in the US.

Lord, have mercy.

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