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I wrote the transcript for this last week, before the promo release of Rob’s new book, Love Wins. You can see my comments below about the “controversy” about the book but it touches on the problem a segment of the Christian world has with Rob – that he is too easy on sin and hell. In my mind, it goes back to an old American version of evangelicalism that the whole meaning of life and faith is to avoid God sending you to hell. God will do it, don’t force him, make a decision that you will accept his love in Jesus or you will burn.

Needless to say, this has not been a winning recipe, at least in recent years for introducing people to Jesus. It strikes me as about one step removed from Crusader days when you marched a village down to the river and announced, “Jesus love you. Be baptized or die.” We just don’t do it at gun point – we use flyers, cable TV, street corners, and lots of screaming.

Rob comes at faith in Jesus from what I would argue is more Biblical than the old school hellfire and brimstone and because of that, he has earned the wrath and hate of many. He has also earned the admiration and thanks of many more for speaking the love and truth of Jesus that changes lives.

Rob is one of the best preachers out there today and his continued work in creative preaching in 21st Century mediums is both inspiring and a lightning rod fundamentalist Guttenbergers. Check out Rob for yourself and you will find someone who points us that we are connected to God by love, not by our keeping rules.

You can find the Nooma videos and all of Rob’s newest projects here at the Flannel store.

Download the podcast here.


Here are a series of clips of Rob, his critics, and some folks way to fixed on hell instead of Jesus.

Here is Bullwhip Guy. He’s got the style imitation down but not the Gospel, imho.

Another pastor, rising to the defense of hellfire preachers and slamming Rob.

A Rant That Rob Doesn’t Know That the Bible or That It is all About Hell

Here’s A Winning Title for You – Why Millions of Church Members Will Go to Hell

If you want to see the impact of Nooma, look at this chart of feedback from viewers. You can also click on it to see videos of people’s stories on how Nooma changed their journey of faith for the better at Flannel’s web site. I think you will understand why the Jesus of the Bible that Rob and I encounter in the Bible is so much more compelling than Bullwhip Guy.


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