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Fox Rejects Jesus Hates Obama Ad

Okay, first it was the Doritos Eucharist, now Jesus Hates Obama. My first response was I didn’t know that Jesus was trying so hard to be on the Superbowl. My second response was that advertisers will do most anything for 30 seconds of fame.

In thinking a little more, I think something more significant is reflected in this. Following Jesus is supposed to be about a relationship with a real person, an intimate connect with God that is based in love and service. I think both these adds point to the reality that American Christians, particularly those of the Protestant tribes, have turned Jesus into a commodity, an object to bought and sold like the indulgences of the Roman Catholic Church in Luther’s day.

So, be it a bobblehead or corn chip, these two ads say it all. Jesus is a commodity and a mascot, not someone to know, follow and be transformed by. And we only have ourselves to blame.

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