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wired jesus end of the world

Just in time to end the year, a new podcast. Its a little different from some podcasts in that it has less to do with any specific site on the web and more to do with what I see as the transitions going on in the world, generations, and in the church. As I say in the podcast, I believe something significant has died in the last two years in American culture and the church that we are only beginning to grasp now. In politics, religion, generations, and faith, something has changed dramatically and our unknown future is going to be fundamentally different. What that will be, I don’t know but in the long run, it will be a good thing. In a sense, the 21st Century and its digital generations and language have taken the church back to the First Century. The affluent church of the boomers is giving way to a missional church quite unlike what we have know and thats a good thing, even if painful.

Download the podcast here.

The Fourth Turning

The Shallowest Generation

One Response to “Wired Jesus Podcast #56 – Its The End of the World As We Know It and I Should Feel Fine”

  1. Tom Lyberg says:

    If you downloaded this version, just delete it and keep #56a. Now that I have am trying new editing tools, I’ll need to watch the final mixes a little more closely.