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Tweeting In Church?

tweet wired jesus

Something interesting happened Sunday in worship. I was down in Florida and hearing my dad preach for the first time in years. He had a great point in his sermon that gave me an idea, so I pulled out my blackberry, clicked on notes, and typed in the idea. It wasn’t long before I realized that my mom was staring at me like I was 8 again, as if I was playing a game.

Actually she thought I was facebooking but it does raise the question of what is or is not appropriate in worship. On one hand, I think worship is a time to move off the grid, cut the wires and focus in on God alone. However, this blog post makes you think about tweeting in worship being a good thing. Make you wonder… what if one of our teens were to tweet their friends about how awesome worship was? Food for thought.

Thou Shall Twitter In Church by Scott Williams

FYI – the graphic comes from a very interesting e-book on twitter and congregational health and outreach. Got to check it out.

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