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pat robertson

Once again tragedy strikes, the question is asked “Why?”, and people start saying stupid things to find some cause or person to blame. It tends to follow the same pattern as it has for eons: something hugely bad has happened, so God must known; God must have allowed or inflicted it for some reason; the reason has to do with those who were affected by it. Choose: God in his wrath punished the victims because it was their fault and a just God had to judge them OR no loving God could allow such tragedy, so there must not be a God at all.

But are those the only choices? If they are they leaving us saying stupid things like all victims are actually the guilty party or turning God into some kind of sadistic puppet master. That seems to be all that gets reported from Haiti in recent weeks. However, there is another option. Maybe we don’t have to justify or prove God – maybe we need to allow God to live through us and keep our mouths shut.

Download the podcast here.


Lutheran Disaster Relief

Food For the Poor

The Red Cross

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