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I have finally joined the brave new world of twitter, so if you want to join the daily journey, you can find me as Tom Lyberg or wiredjesus.

3 Responses to “Wired Jesus Now On Twitter”

  1. Don Marsh says:

    I saw that you will be updating facebook with twitter. Since you are using wordpress, you can easily put your twitter feed in your sidebar. I have been doing that for months, and it lets my customers see where I am that day when they come to my website.

  2. Tom Lyberg says:

    Cool. I haven’t looked for that yet. To save me time, how do you do it?

  3. Don Marsh says:

    Go to the design tab and choose widgets. On the left is an RSS widget. Move it to the right and edit it. Copy and paste your twitter rss feed to it, name it Tom’s Twitter Feed, and save it. Shazaam!