Well, my tribe once again tried to tackle the issue of human sexuality and a study team has produced a report and recommendation that have gotten people all upset. Of course, it boils down to the polar extreme factions on the issue of homosexuality. I’m still working my way through the document and frankly, I think such things tend to be more problems and expense than what they are worth. We can make denominational pronouncements all we want but it doesn’t change what happens inside congregations. If we don’t want to address the lives of real people in our congregations and in our community and just sit inside fake walls of pure doctrine and proper biblical teaching, nothing happens, at least nothing that Jesus would approve of.
I think there is an important example in Jesus’ life that congregations neglect to follow. Jesus made a point to eat with outcasts and those who didn’t agree with him. He went out to touch those who were considered untouchable. He invited people to follow without first requiring a personal saving decision to make him Lord. Its that thing called unconditional love that we tend to forget when we consider uncomfortable changes on our part.
So we have two opposed factions talking about leaving the ELCA and doing their own thing because the report didn’t give them what they wanted. Me? I like what Russion writer Sergei Fudel said about situations like this: “Breaking away from the Church because of the moral derelections we see in it is religiously foolish and reflects our inability to think things through. Anything wrong, distorted, and impure that we see within the gates of the Church is not of the Church. To avoid associating with with it we do not have to leave the Church enclosure, we must simply refuse to participate in that which is evil. Then will be fulfilled the words “to the pure all things are pure” (Titus 1:15).
So I’m not convinced either side is “right” in their arguments because no one seems to be really talking or really helping churches engage on the local level. Change doesn’t happen top down, it happens locally and personally, with a willingness to touch like Jesus and be touched by Him in return. You can’t do that behind walls of justice demands or biblical literalism. You have to be among real people and let God lead the change, not my own agenda. At least, that’s my take on it.
If you want to learn more about what my tribe is up to, check these links:
ELCA Sexuality Study Home Page
My Presentations On Sexuality For Our Synod – I was asked to do some reflections on the Bible, Culture and the Church about 4 years ago. Its just an outline.
If you just want to see the arguments, just look at the stories on this google search.