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As promised, a podcast on some wired wanderings linking the previous letter, a mashup from Daily Source Code, and Footloose.

Sometimes life just gets a little weird is this is one of those times. Perhaps the uncertainty of the economy, politics, and daily life is starting to get to some folks, so we opt to try and find control in other ways, including trying to control God.

The featured congregation for you today is Vox, located in Archbold, Ohio, my old stomping grounds. Vox is a postmodern worshipping community that is part of a local Mennonite church that meetings in an old factory in the village industrial park. Archbold is where I served as pastor from 1998 to 2006 and met Drew Moser, the pastor who started Vox. Archbold is the home to Sauder Woodworking – they make ready to assemble furniture – and has a population of 4500 people. Yet Vox is there, still doing well in a town that might look a little like the set for Footloose at first glance. But Vox is reaching postmoderns who live in small town Ohio, proof positive that we have met the wired world and it is us. So check out Vox, a postmodern church in small town.

As I mention in the podcast, this is the first podcast I have tried since learning to use Garageband on my macbook pro. I’m not sure I like it better than Audacity but I’ll do a few more tries and see what happens. The sound for this podcast is a little rough for my tastes but I work on it some more for next week’s podcast. Yes, its already written, I will just have to record it. Amazing.

Download podcast here.

Oh, if you want to hear the Daily Source Code episode with the mashup, its show number #737 Daily Source Code for Friday March 21st 2008 and the mashup is Queen vs Satan by DJ Lobsterdust, who has some great mashups for download.

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