I want to say a special word of thanks to all the people who, sight unseen, helped me get Wired Jesus launched. The beauty of the podcasting/blogging community is the fact that it often acts like the church does at its best: ready to help, not concerned about your baggage or beliefs, just there to welcome and help you into this brave new world. That being said, thanks to all these folks below for walking me through all the intricacies of WordPress 1.5, enclosures, and the re-education of an elder geek who cut his teeth on BASIC – not Visual Basic, BASIC on a Radio Shack TRS-80! Check out their blogs and podcasts – and if you are enjoying Wired Jesus – thank them for their help.
Jon Abad jonabad.com This guy knows WP inside and out and has a great blog.
Mark VandeWettering brainwagon.org Another WP guru but also great tech podcaster. Check out his video on using Audacity to podcast.
Craig Patchett Behind the Scenes A great podcast on how to do podcasts and author of the great podcast anthem/call sign: “Transmitters? We don’t need no stickin’ transmitters!”